She Puts VapoRub On A Cotton Ball And Sticks It In Her Ear… Moments Later? INCREDIBLE!

When I was a child, a cough  meant you could smell me a mile away because I was all about that Vicks VapoRub. I was never a fan of stro...

When I was a child, a cough  meant you could smell me a mile away because I was all about that Vicks VapoRub.
I was never a fan of strong menthol scent, but it help me fight off cough and cold symptoms…it helped me to breathe! Feeling of pure frustration while  we try to fall asleep with our noses all clogged up,  Vicks is the  occasion. It  can do more!
She Puts VapoRub On A Cotton Ball And Sticks It In Her Ear… Moments Later? INCREDIBLE!

Vicks VapoRub is an oil-based mentholated topical cream that contains menthol,camphor, eucalyptus oil . It is  effective in helping with congestion and cough,  also it can do more than just that. For example… suffering from an ear ache? Reduce the ear pain , put a small amount of Vicks VapoRub on a cotton ball and put it in  ear, several times a day. Other cool tricks:
Reduce the appearance of stretch marks
Help with muscle aches
Increase the healing of a splinter and reduce the risk of infections
Repel mosquitos
Check out the video below for more amazing and surprising alternate uses for Vicks VapoRub!


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