Brazilian Diet – Lose 12 kg in 1 Month!
This diet exists in two variants: fast and normal. Here we present you the normal version because the fast version is very poor in nutrient...
This diet exists in two variants: fast and normal. Here we present you the normal version because the fast version is very poor in nutrients and has a negative effect on your health, so it is not recommended.
The ingredients are mainly fruits and vegetables, it has 4-5 meals per day. Of course with certain disclaimers and great persistence you can reach the goal..
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Diet plan for 7 days
Breakfast: 1 orange, 1 banana and 1 cup orange juice
Snack: 1 cup orange juice 1 slice toast
Lunch: 100 g boiled fish, 100 grams of salad with fresh vegetables
Dinner: Same as lunch
Before going to bed: 1 cup orange juice, 1 small piece of toast.
Breakfast: 1 soft-boiled egg, 1 cup apple juice
Snack: 1 small piece of toast, 1 cup apple juice
Lunch: 100 grams of cooked meat, 2 boiled potatoes, 4 lettuce leaves
Dinner: 200 grams boiled fish, 1 hard boiled egg, lettuce, peas (fresh or canned)
Before going to bed: 1 cup apple juice, 1 toast
Breakfast: 1 cup Lean milk, 1 slice of toast
Snack: 100 grams lean cheese
Lunch: 100 g rice, 150 years salad of fresh cabbage poured with 1 tablespoon lemon juice and finely chopped parsley
Dinner: 100 g cooked meat, 1 apple, 4 lettuce leaves